Week 1
Yuang Du
Zhenhe Gao
Shibo Wang
Zhongning Wang
Dengwei Sun
Erxing Ren
Alessandro Pausilli
Process of Project
Some of the hardware has not been ready for collection, we managed to test the component we collected to ensure their normal operation. During the process of testing, the fundamental code of some modules has been programmed.
Circuit building:
We also tested the operation of the motor driver and servo motor.Problem and Concern:
1. We ran a test on two of our gyroscopes today, however, neither of them can print out ideal data. Due to the fact that an MPU6050 we borrowed from another group operated normally when running our code, we speculated that our gyroscope might be damaged. We will run more tests on other gyroscopes next week to solve the problem.
2. Lacking components impeded our process of both hardware integration and programming.
Work in week 2
1. Finish the integration of hardware. (provided that the rest of the components are ready for collection)
2. Finish the code for motor control, distant control, and gyroscope control.