
目前显示的是 二月, 2022的博文


 17/02/2022 Attendance: Yuang Du Zhenhe Gao Shibo Wang Zhongning Wang Dengwei Sun Erxing Ren Alessandro Pausilli Process of Project This week we identified and solved the problem of the motor driver and brought the transmitter and receiver into service as well as the LED. All the parts are ready to be assembled.   Motor Driver We measured the output voltage of the two pins on the motor driver connected to the motors and found that the voltage of the right wheel did not vary from the input voltage. The problem is solved by using a new motor driver and the speed of wheels is under control now. Moving forward, backward, and turning left are shown in the three videos below. Video 1. Moving forward Video 2. Moving backward Video 3. Turning left RGB LED An RGB LED is used to display different model situations by showing different colors. The test circuit is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1. The test circuit of LED Transmitter and Receiver We placed the transmitter and receiver on two di...

Week 2

 10/02/2022 Attendance: Yuang Du Zhenhe Gao Shibo Wang Zhongning Wang Dengwei Sun Erxing Ren Alessandro Pausilli Process of Project All of our components arrived today except for the battery boxes, which turned out to be out of stock. However, we collected two of them from the lab and connected them in series. We tested all of the hardware remains and began to assemble the car. Code programming for each part is finished except for the transmitter and receiver. Testing (individual) Motor and Motor Driver We used the written code and Arduino to test the operation of motors as Figure 1 shows. The motors can run normally as the code required. Figure 1. Testing the motors Battery Box The battery boxes we ordered turned out to be out of stock, so we have been using the power supply in the lab so far. However, we eventually found two battery boxes after searching through three boxes filled with old components. One of them can hold 4 AA 1.5V batteries and another can hold 3 AAA bat...

Week 1

 03/02/2022 Attendance: Yuang Du Zhenhe Gao Shibo Wang Zhongning Wang Dengwei Sun Erxing Ren Alessandro Pausilli Process of Project Some of the hardware has not been ready for collection, we managed to test the component we collected to ensure their normal operation. During the process of testing, the fundamental code of some modules has been programmed. HC-SR504 Circuit building: Testing: MPU6050 Soldering: Circuit building: Testing We also tested the operation of the motor driver and servo motor. Problem and Concern: 1. We ran a test on two of our gyroscopes today, however, neither of them can print out ideal data. Due to the fact that an MPU6050 we borrowed from another group operated normally when running our code, we speculated that our gyroscope might be damaged. We will run more tests on other gyroscopes next week to solve the problem. 2. Lacking components impeded our process of both hardware integration and programming.  Work in week 2  1. Finish the integration ...

Gesture Control Robotic Smart Car

Introduction: The project aims to build a robotic car with two models. One is to move based on the hand gesture of the user with a control device on it, and the other is to detect obstacles in the front and make the best turn according to range detection.  In general, the product consists of two parts, the car and the controller that controls it, both based on the Arduino board. The gyroscope integrated on Arduino 1, which is on the glove, will record the movement of the user's hand and transmit it to Arduino 2 on the car so that the motion control is realized. Meanwhile, the servo motor and ultrasonic sensor will realize the range obstacle-avoid function. Role allocation: Project management  Yuang Du Report  Yuang Du Hardware Integration of process    Shibo Wang Wiring and synchronization    Zhongning Wang Mechanical    Dengwei Sun Software Motor control     Zhenhe Gao Distant control    Erxing Ren Glove ...